Offshore Platform Medical Support

Project Goal: To train oil-rig security force in tactical medicine
Client: Energy Company Location: Europe
FourTroop Team: 10 specialists were involved in the project.

The Challenge

This specific oil-rig is located in a security sensitive area. The damage that can be caused from an attack on the rig is enormous. The security/ medical team must be medically prepared to deal with trauma injuries and mass casualty incidents.

Project Description

The long-term training contract (10 years) included the establishment of a medical array which includes the training of new security personnel and preservation ability programs for the facility’s operational medics (Former Navy SEALs).
The training was delivered after a facility assessment was completed, and, along with the managers and supervisors of the rigs, the threats and challenges were defined.
The instructors chosen for this project were Special Forces paramedics with extensive knowledge in combat and security applications.
In recent years FourTroop has been the sole supplier of equipment and training to these facilities, which are considered the most secure in the world.

Case Studies from Energy

  • Energy

    Risk Assessment For Energy Installations

    Project Goal: To conduct risk assessment of 60 installations
    Client: Governmental Energy Company Location: South America
    FourTroop Team: 3 specialists were involved in the project.

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  • Energy

    Offshore Platform Medical Support

    Project Goal: To train oil-rig security force in tactical medicine
    Client: Energy Company Location: Europe
    FourTroop Team: 10 specialists were involved in the project.

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Case Studies from other Sectors

  • Hospitality

    Security Management For Hotel Chain

    Project Goal: To establish a pro-active security array for 6 very large resorts
    Client: Hotel Chain Location: Latin America

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  • Educational

    Security Concept For Various Institutions

    Project Goal: To establish a pro-active security array for 15 institutions
    Client: Community Institutions Location: Europe

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