
FourTroop was selected by number of educational institutions to assist them in securing their children, staff and schools. We have been implemented school safe-environment supported by proactive security approach.

Offered Services:

  • Recruitment of security operatives
  • Risk-assessment
  • Consulting services
  • Writing a security concept
  • Writing of security procedures
  • Implementation of technological means
  • Training services

Selected Examples:

  • Conducting risk assessment of numerous educational institutions
  • Writing the security concept for dozens of schools
  • Conducting training for security personnel of around 100 institutions
  • Providing recruiting services for number of educational institutions

Case Studies from Educational

  • Educational

    Security Concept For Various Institutions

    Project Goal: To establish a pro-active security array for 15 institutions
    Client: Community Institutions Location: Europe

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  • Educational

    Security Concept For a School District

    Project Goal: To establish a pro-active security array for 70 educational institutions
    Client: School District Location: United States

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Case Studies from other Sectors

  • Energy

    Risk Assessment For Energy Installations

    Project Goal: To conduct risk assessment of 60 installations
    Client: Governmental Energy Company Location: South America
    FourTroop Team: 3 specialists were involved in the project.

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  • HLS

    Upgrading An Elite Police Unit

    Project Goal: To upgrade an elite police unit and to train 200 officers to deal with riots
    Client: Police Location: Asia
    FourTroop Team: 5 specialists were involved in the project.

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