Security Concept For a School District

Project Goal: To establish a pro-active security array for 70 educational institutions
Client: School District Location: United States

FourTroop Team: 10 specialists were involved in the project.

The Challenge

With school shootings on the rise in the U.S., the district decided to upgrade its level of security and to implement a secure-school concept


Project Description

The project lasted for more than a year. We started by conducting an assessment of all schools in the district which was followed by providing recommendations and a road map for implementation. We then developed the security concept and working procedures for the district. Finally, we conducted numerous security courses for more than 100 security specialists. This also included supervision throughout the implementation process.

Courses included: introduction to security and shooting incidents in the U.S., the modus operandi of the opponent, the operational work of the security operative, intelligence gathering, questioning methods, sweeping tactics and tactical drills for routine and emergency situations.

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  • Educational

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